About my works

The idea ventured in my works is to visualize the formation of identities, that of the Yogini, the energy, accomplished by personified attributes that act as a sign of communicative device, that of Neelkanth, the spiritual image appearing like a symbol.

Within the Energy, I formed the titled Yogini, that contains the potential of all other forms, each with its own ideograms and combinations without even a clue of any cult. Likewise all these forms have been taken from our daily life activities.

While rendering with these forms, i took three elements in consideration:

·         The common human being from our society.

·         Architectures and narrow lanes of Kashi (Benares) and my home town and the places I have experienced.

·         A wide panorama of natural landscapes.

What I am trying to search is the true nature of things, a self realization and it's identification with nature and these images comes out naturally in my works.

It's not concerned with any esoteric aspect in any form but energy that activates life as a vital force and a desire to go beyond with traditional subject matters in a way and liberate myself into a new perception.

The representation of human forms, animals, birds or vegetations in my works are in a very natural way. When I perceive a town like Kashi or my home land Rewa (Madhya Pradesh) or the places I experience, I am filled with wonder by its architecture, ancient lanes and the mystery behind.

Through a bird’s eye view, these Shikharas of temples and narrow lanes and landscapes, gives to me an impression of triangles emerging from the panorama. Likewise imageries emerging from the background of my works are the synthesis of these visual forms, subconsciously taking shape of triangles, working as tri - the Trinity.

Into the domain of the series Neelkanth, though traditionally considered a divine bird, symbolizing Shiva who held venom in his Kanth (throat) for the benefit of the world and himself remained unaffected by its venomously as literature denotes.

To me, this has perfected as a sign language portrayed as syntax for good luck, an auspicious symbol. Most of the time this bird has occurred alone in a vast panorama into the canvas, perhaps watching and experiencing the world.


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